The Magic

How would the BioBubble function?

    1. Receives used water and organic scraps from people via conventional sanitary fixtures or in the future from a purpose-designed low-cost fixture mounted directly on the BioBubble tank.

    2. "Washes" the organic matter but then quickly drains the water from it.

    3. Exposes the moist organic matter to the air and a complex biolytic ecosystem of worms, beetles, mites and other soil fauna and micro organisms.

    4. The water and finely suspended organic matter percolates through the biolytic ecosystem support media and is filtered by humus and geotextile.

    5. Fine humus solids are separated using gravity sedimentation.

    6. A relatively clear liquid fertilizer gravity drains through a network of buried hollow geotextile wicks and is then "pumped" up into the root zone of natural soil by capillary forces.

    7. Plants take up the nutrients and some of the water to produce valuable food and the cycle starts again.

There are still a lot of challenges to overcome to prove this will work as envisaged for the billions who desperately need it. A particular need is for expertise in capillary technologies and soil science to refine the distribution system for the liquid fertilizer so that it is most available to plants.

We need team players with the humility to learn from nature to join us on this vital project. If you have a special interest or expertise in this area please become a LifeBubble FutureSmith now, and we can get designing and refining!