FutureSmiths Directory

LifeBubble is a community. Anyone who contributes a constructive idea, critique or comment to the community is, by this very act, helping to evolve a LifeBubble future. So the LifeBubble community bestows on you the noble title of "LifeBubble FutureSmith".

You will have all of the LifeBubble community's web resources, ideas, wiki pages and blogs available to you. You will be invited to participate and share in LifeBubble community workshops and webcasts as they are organized. You will have valuable direct access to LifeBubble Team Leaders - innovative and creative people.

Want to turn your ideas into actions?

Create real or prototype LifeBubble projects and feed back your experience to the LifeBubble community. Visit our blogs or start your own thread. Call on the help of the whole community to help you to build and grow your own LifeBubble.

You could be a Leader

LifeBubble Leaders are not appointed, they just step up! They are compelled to serve, coordinate feedback from other LifeBubble designers, synthesize information from wherever and disseminate smart ideas on any of the diverse aspects of the LifeBubble project that fit their skills, experience and expertise, and that will win them the respect of their peers in the LifeBubble community. Be the change you want to see happen.


Instead of being frozen stiff in February, plants in a Toronto LifeBubble habitat could be still blossoming in winter.

FutureSmiths Directory – List page from Classic Sites